Motto, Vision, Mission and Objectives of Institution



  1. Quest in providing the quality higher education for the deprived masses of the region.
  2. Use of technology and other related knowledge to strengthen the economy of rural and remote area.
  3. Inculcation of the traditional, ethical, moral, religious national life values through cultural activities.
  4. Establishment of the agro based small-scale industries and the other related small- scale businesses through financial help.
  5. An access of financial help to uplift and promote the landless labours downtrodden and nomadic tribes.
  6. No loss no profit scheme in rendering medical services to the needy and economically backward people.


  1. To provide medical aid to needy people on welfare basis.
  2. To run school and college in the remote village for the purpose of traditional and professional higher education.
  3. To share the latest trends and technology with farmers to the area for their all round development.
  4. To open the various agro based industries on co-operation to uplift the farmers and the down trodden.
  5. To create job opportunities for rural youths in to the various Co-operative Pathsanthas, Banks, Dairies, Sugar Industries and the Allied Agro-based Industries.
  6. To make the best use of the natural resources of the welfare of common people.


  1. To promote agriculture development through the activities of agriculture research and a new technology.
  2. Organization of various need based special medical camps for the financially weaker sections of the society.
  3. For the upliftment of the farmers of the area by availing them the facilities the irrigation, electricity. Quality seeds, the manures and sharing of the knowledge and experience of the export in the respective fields.
  4. To open the door of traditional and professional higher education to masses.
  5. Updating the courses of study as per the requirements for the global job-market as well as societal and economical changes and challenges.
  6. The vision, goals, mission, aims and objectives are the key aspects of the institutional progress. They inspire, motivate and act as guidelines for achievement of success in all activities of the institution.
  7. The vision, mission and objectives are communicated to various stakeholders through website, print media, prospectus, the principal’s address and the institutional members through their timely speeches. Flex boards in library, gymkhana other departments and in NAAC room. It helps to embibe upon the values required for character and capacity building of the stakeholders and inspiration.