About N.S.S. Unit

The Government of India has started the N.S.S. in 24th September 1969 throughout India. It began on the centenary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. Then the same scheme has started in our colleges since 1992 after an establishment of the college. The N.S.S. unit of our college has achieved “Best NSS Unit of the College at University Level” Twice from Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar, Solapur University,Solapur, for the academic year 2006 – 2007 and 2017 -2018.The NSS Unit of this college has done some outstanding work by creating some vital projects useful for the social development which could solve some extent the needsa of human life in a rural area. The NSS Unit had supported the policies of State and Central Government for effective implementation of the policies.

  • NSS Working Committee
Sr.No.Name of the TeacherDesignation
1Prin. Dr. C B. KolekarChairman
2Prof. S. H. PawarProgramme Officer
3Prof. D.S. ThoratProgramme Officer
4Prof. Dr. S.P. SurywanshiLady Teacher
  • About Activities
  • Regular Special Activities

As per University, State and Central Government Policies and directions our NSS Unit organizes Regular Special Activities throughout the year. According to the need of Rural area social need and directives of our institution, we organize various activities time to time in the college campus and wherever necessary.

  • Seven Days Special Camp Activity

According to the directives of the University, every year our NSS unit of the College adopts one Village which is socially and economically remote place for Seven Days Special Residential Camp. Through the medium of this Seven Days Special Camp, we try to make and awareness among the villagers about Social Values, Eradication of Superstitions, and importance of labour work in human life,and to began the sustainable development of the village.

  • One Day Workshop, Seminars and Camps.

The NSS Unit organizes various One Day Workshop, Seminars and Camps according to the demand of the Students throughout the year. These activities include, Social Issues, Career Opportunities for the students, Health Awareness, importance of National Integrity and Dignity, Human Values, and Constitutional Morality etc.

  • Regular Activities in Academic Year- 2018-19
Sr.No.Name of ActivityParticipants/ Beneficiaries
1Tree Plantation Week75
2Sant Shreshth Dnyaneshwar Mauli Palakhi Sohala Green Wari Clean Wari Plastic Free Abhiyan200
3Celebration of August Kranti Din120
4Cleanliness Campaign at Gramdaivat Shambhu Mahadev Temple Parvateshwar Temple in the Month of Shravan.182
5Organization of Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan at College Campus.182
6Cleanliness Campaign and Donation of Nutritional Food and Drinking Water at ‘ Guptling Temple’ ( Shikhar Shinganapur)182
7Social Awareness about Cleanliness at Fadtari, Pimpari, Mandave, Dharmpuri, Sadashivnagar and Gursale Villages.182
8Organization of One Day Seminar On Communal Harmony and Peace- Gandhian Thoughts and Philosophy on the Occasion of International Non- Violence Day182
9Organization of One Day Blood Donation Camp ( Twice a Year)122 ( Donors)
10One Day Workshop On Career Guidance and Preparation of various Competitive Examinations.200
  • Selection of NSS Volunteer Shri. Sorate Akash Somnath for Republic Parade at State Level.
  • Participation of Program Officer Prof. D. S. Thorat in State Level, National Service Scheme Workshop at Shiv Chatrapati Sports Complex Balewadi Pune.
  • Activities in Seven Days Special Camp- Academic Year- 2018-19
  • Seven Days Residential Special Camp at Karunde Village
  • Theme- Tree Plantation and Conservation, Water Management and Clean India Campaign.
  • ‘Shramdan’ and ‘Janjagruti’
  • Intellectual Lectures on Various Burning Issues.
  • Visits to the Successful Farmers’ Farm at Karunde Village.
  • Eradication of Superstitions and Awareness about Health.
  • Voters Awareness Rallies and Lectures.
  • Group Discussion on Contemporary Social Issues of Local to Global Level.
  • Organization of Poet’s Meet for Volunteers all Round Personality Development.