College Profile

The college is located in the rain shadow area of Eastern Ranges of Sahyadri Ghats, on the boundary of Western Maharashtra’s district like Pune, Satara and Solapur. The great visionary social worker and veteran politician Honorable late Pratapsinh Shankarrao Mohite-Patil took wise decision to establish a college for needy students, who was motivated from his father late Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao Narayan Mohite-Patil, who bowed the seeds of development of Malshiras Tahsil On 11th November 1991, the college established as Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao Mohite-Patil Mahavidyalaya formerly known as Vijaysinh Mohite-Patil Mahavidyalaya, Natepute. Initially the college was affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur, a well-known and reputed state university in India. But in 2004, the college affiliated to newly established University of Solapur as per the policy of State government.

The college stated motto “Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye” means ‘the knowledge is a liberating force.’ Initially, the college was housed in Market committee’s building of two ware houses on the lease basis. But now situation has changed; now college has owned five acre land and beautiful campus with excellent Gymnasium, Wrestling Hall and playground. The campus is neat, pollution free and covered by variety of trees.

 Initially the college started on non-grant basis, merely 105 student strength and only Arts faculty but now 1337 students not only Arts but also Commerce. The college also runs Science, Commerce and Computer Science Faculty like B.C.A and B.Sc. (ECS). The college has an undergraduate discipline like Arts (June-1991-1992), Science (June 2005-2006), B.C.A (June 2006-2007) B.Com (June 2016-2017). In the faculty of Arts, we are having seven undergraduate departments like Marathi, Hindi, English, History, Economics, Psychology and Geography. As well as in the faculty of Science, we have two subjects at special level with Microbiology and Computer Science. The college provides ICT based learning as a need of modern society and job requirement. The college also provide vocational based education which important for all round development of students. The courses like Spoken English, Office Automation, and CMLT. The college tries to offer creative, supporting and caring environment to the learners, since the college established.

For the development of multidimensional and all round development of student, college facilitate co-curricular and extra-curricular activities like NSS (National Service Scheme), Sports, Cultural and extension services for character and capacity building of students. The word Quality is the changing scenario of globalization; higher education has got a prime importance and attention by all countries. For the quality concern the assessment and accreditation of higher education is almost essential. The annual Internal Quality Assurance Report is a part and parcel of the continuing procedure of NAAC evaluation.

The College is the affiliated college, affiliated to Solapur University, Solapur. From June 2004 prior to it was affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur .It is a college located in a rural area and having Arts faculty grant-in –aid  since June 1998.The college runs self-financial courses like B.Sc., B.C.A., B.Sc.(ECS) and other Government recognized Non grant courses such as Junior college in Arts, Commerce and Science. The four skill based Certificate Courses such as Spoken English, Tally, C.M.L.T.and Office Automation have been started for all round personality development of the students. From this academic year 2016-17, the college introduced B.Com I Year on Non-grant basis.  The college is recognized by UGC under section 2f of UGC Act.1956 on 15/062007 and 12B on14/102014.In the faculty of Arts there are seven departments at special level. In B.Sc. Computer Science and Micro-biology departments are at special level. The B.C.A. faculty has all subjects compulsory. The B.Sc. (ECS) is a self financed course with Entire Computer Science having all subjects compulsory. The unit cost of education in faculty of Arts including the salary components is 27922.64 and excluding salary components Rs940.88 the self financed courses is having Unit Cost with salary Rs. 15154 and excluding the salary components Rs. 8285.82, year 2015-2016.

The College has stated its goals, mission, objectives and a fee structure in its prospectus. The College has given the course structure and relevant information regarding the restructuring of the syllabi and faculty contribution, the course options and programme options in the college prospectus as well as on the Web-site of the college. The college has tried to follow almost all recommendations very sincerely after the Re-accreditation. With a little courage by introducing the courses on self financed basis as per government policy for the purpose of an urgent need of the locality and job market values at local, national and global level. All language curriculums have accepted the core values in course contents and the requirement of knowledge and skills in the era of globalization. The development of soft skills and technical skills are the factors to emphasize on. The curriculums such as B.Sc.,B.C.A.,B.Sc.(ECS) give emphasis on ICT and Scientific Technologies. The college gives admission to various courses on the basis of merit in previous qualifying examination and B.C.A. and B.Sc.(ECS) through University entrance test.

The college has recruited 36 male and17 female staff among which 18 are permanent and 03 with NET/SET/JRF through University selection committee observing all the reservation policies. After Re-accreditation 3 faculty members have been awarded with the Ph.D. The teacher student ratio is less than 30 in all faculties except Art faculty. The college has regular Principal with a M.Phil.and 10 faculty members have registered for Ph.D. and their work is in progress. The almost all permanent staff has completed their refresher and orientation programmes and all are participating in seminar, workshops and symposia.

The lecture method is predominantly used and supported with the ICT technologies. The college has adopted a mechanism of Self Appraisal/PBAS every year to observe the teachers’ progress. The all teachers participate in the administrative, co-curricular and curricular activities with a great enthusiasm and responsibility.

The college has its own website which publishes information regarding the college, Prospectus, admission notices and recruitments. The institution keeps the transparency in all admissions and ensures the access, provided to disadvantaged community, women, economically weaker, PWD and sportspersons in true spirit as per the goals, missions and objectives. The seventy to eighty percentage students are from disadvantaged classes in all courses. The university has introduced CGPA Pattern 2012-13 and CBCS Pattern 2015-16 for semester patterns. The college has adopted these evaluation systems to all the faculties. The college also provides attention on the progress of slow and advanced learners students through its numerous activities. The seminars for internal assessment, tests and home assignment as part of university assessment are of 30 marks. The university written theory examination pattern is of 70 plus 30 marks per Semester per subject. The college has rich tradition of the annual result and success though it is located in a rural area. The academic calendar is executed in taking into consideration number of teaching days available. The syllabi are covered well before the commencement of university examination schedule. The lecture method, interactive method, project method, computer assisted learning, experimental learning, the seminars, the study tours, excursion tours, the use of charts, maps and other laboratory equipments are used by the teachers for academic transactions actively. The O.H.P. LCD, Computers, Television network, CD’s and DVD’s have also used by the teachers and efforts are made to make the learning student centric and effective transforming student centric, effective transformation. The central library is having sufficient number of reference and textbooks, educational CDs, Encyclopedias, digital books, the daily newspapers, magazines and research journals for supportive learning resource.

The faculty is striving for its excellence in the field of knowledge research through their continuous reading, research, participating    in the seminars, conferences, workshops, and refresher and orientation programmers and so on. The goodness of the faculty is recognized by the society in terms of a words and felicitations as a receipt of their excellence in social, educational work, charity and the commendable services provided for the society and in turn to the nation. The staff is homogenized and integrated in the locality with their participation in social, cultural and traditional activities.

The staff members participate in the activities of consultancy and extension services as a social responsibility and welfare. The staff members also contribute to PG teaching in the nearby college as a visiting lecturers and the college got benefited because of the linkages developed by the teachers in enrichment of the subject knowledge, the activities, and the infrastructure due to their experiences. Besides, the many obstacles in the rural structures the students and teachers strive for excellence. The college has a rich heritage and success in students activities like, curricular, co-curricular, the sports and culture. Many students have achieved success by winning of medals in the games 1) General Championship in Kabbadi,2)General Championship in Wrestling, 3) General Championship in Cross country, and 4) General Championship in Judo  Solapur University, Solapur  in the last academic year 2015-16and 2016-17. The team of the Cultural department has achieved Third Rank in Folk Dance Competition, Third Rank in the Folk Orchestra, and Third Rank in Mime Competition at Solapur University, Solapur. Shri. Nitin Patole, one of the students of our college has achieved First Prize at State Level Singing Competition. The college NSS has numerous extension services useful for social, health, awareness and blood donations where we had rendered commendable service.

The College is having good library with sufficient numbers of books. The expenditure on library in the last 5 years is Rs.664373.00. The library has day and night study room with the facility of night library to public use also on all working days and holidays. The college has developed a good academic structure buy establishing various disciplines and subjects and by developing well equipped library. The college has established and enriched science laboratories, computers, and internet and language lab facilities. The expenditure on laboratory and equipments including the furniture etc. is.Rs 15,56,596.00 after Re- accreditation.

The college has internet LAN facility on 75 computers in library and laboratories. The updating of computer purchase, peripherals and the spares is paid good attention (Rs 7,74,514.00 for updating and maintenance) The computer labs are with back up facilities and is supported with generator to overcome the load shedding  obstacles and hampering of teaching learning.

The College has newly constructed the building of 3391.91 With expenditure more than Rs.3,00,00,000.00. The college has established a mat wrestling centre, Gymnasium (Gym. Equipments) and are procured. The institution ensured participation of women in sports and cultural activities in consideration with national policy of women empowerment. The college is having with sufficient infrastructure and toilet facilities.  The college had initiated the use of computer in administration and University communication. The college has developed its infrastructure and its own campus of 5 acres planted with several plants, clean and pollution free environment. The new building of the college includes the Administrative Block, Central Library, Various Laboratories, Seminar Hall, Classrooms, Mat Wrestling Centre, and Gymkhana. The infrastructure of the college has also been used by nearby schools and Government and non-government organizations for the social cause. The college had created a good caring atmosphere for learning of the students. It is our pride that our campus is free from the ragging, the sexual harassment of staff and students, the addictions, cigarette smoking etc.all around.

We keep the computer laboratories open for extensive use for the students from morning to evening and also on holidays for the development of the soft skills of the students who are deprived of computer facility at their home. We motivate and encourage students in creative writing in wall paper and magazine. We publish annual college magazine annually. The students and teachers who come with success are felicitated by arranging the annual prize distribution function for the purpose of inspiration and stimulus. Approximately 70 % students are provided with scholarships and free ships. The poor and needy students are helped through fee concessions, poor boys fund and Earn and Learn scheme within our limited resources.

The college has attempted to fulfill all suggestions given by hon’ble peers at re-accreditation about teaching, learning, the research extension and consultancy services, the students support and progression, governance and leaderships are observed as life lines by the college.

The institution has enough staff to support the day-to-day activities. The college has its management principles as a distributory and participatory. The college is well managed by parental institution and trustees with full support and with no interruption in the academic schedule. The college has (37) internal college level committees for the smooth functioning of the academic and other activities and to work out the strategies for success in every aspect. The Trust and College had dedicated their efforts for the empowerment of the deprived masses through the numerous activities. The Management and Trust have played a pivotal role in effective and efficient transaction of teaching learning activities, leadership role in the overall development of the college. The management had kept healthy relations with the staff and students and has offered many welfare schemes. The college staff and students participates in all institutional activities .The institution has made it all its efforts to utilize full efficiency and human resource by providing timely motivation and generating team spirit. The institution has Internal Quality Assurance Mechanism to IQAC committee for the enhancement of quality. The students and teachers participation in all activities is taken care of .The Institution has followed all the norms of imparting education and social justice to disadvantaged masses and progress of such a students with humble efforts .

The Institution had adopted numerous mechanisms for generation of quality in Higher Education and has done true and sincere efforts to inculcate and imbibe the core values of the NAAC through its activities. It has started using information management system, ICT technology for overall quality aspects .In the last fifteen years we have travelled successfully in the torch light of NAAC Peers and their guidance and vision. The Third Cycle of reaccreditation provided the new avenues for the development of the college and Institution. We believe that our efforts to develop the quality in higher education are not sufficient but they are true and sincere. For the continuous gradual accreditation of Fourth Cycle we have been submitting yearly AQAR to NAAC, Bangalore as our sincere and continuous efforts in direction of Quality Creation, Maintenance and Sustenance.